이홍규 Hong Kyu Lee
B.S. Dept. of Chemistry, UNIST
2020.08 ~
M.S/Ph.D Candidate (5th Year)
김민혁 Minhyuk Kim
B.S. Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University
2021.01 ~
M.S/Ph.D Candidate (4th Year)
박종훈 Jonghoon Park
B.S. Dept. of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST
2021.01 ~
M.S/Ph.D Candidate (4th Year)
박지현 Jihyun Park
B.S. Dept. of Chemistry, Gyeongsang National University
2021.01 ~
M.S/Ph.D Candidate (4th Year)
이예림 Yelim Lee
M.S. Dept. of Chemistry, GWNU
B.S. Dept. of Chemistry, GWNU
2023.09 ~
Ph.D Candidate (2nd Year)
김유빈 Yubin Kim
B.S. Dept. of Chemistry and Nanoscience, Ewha Womans University
2024.09 ~
M.S/Ph.D Candidate (1st Year)